Ein Weg in die Zukunft? Teil II

Ein Weg in die Zukunft? Teil II

[Dies ist der dritte Artikel unseres einheimischen Projektmanagers Solomon Appiah. Mit seinen wöchentlichen Berichten im AIM.-Blog möchte er uns einen Einblick in die Geschichte, die grossen und kleinen Probleme der Gegenwart, tägliche Begebenheiten und Traditionen in Komenda geben.

Kritik und Kommentare, Lob und Hintergrundfragen ausdruecklich erwünscht und erhofft.

Eine Bitte an die Leser: Bitte hinterlasst Kommentare, ob es notwendig ist die englischen Artikel in deutsch zu uebersetzen. Lieben Dank.]


“Hello! Welcome back to today’s edition of the story “Komenda In Retrospect And Present – A Way Forward?”. I hope you are now ready to anticipate knowing about the famous water supply for the people of Komenda i.e. “Puupu”. Well, get ready and let move on.


History tells us that “Puupu” has become the only source of water supply for the people of Komenda during the pre-historic era or the Stone Age era. It was in existence before the white came. It was alleged that a certain wild animal used to stay in that water body and was very dangerous and dreadful to human beings. Living within the area was very fearful. Thanks to a certain man who mastered courage to kill that wild animal. Now the place is safer to stay. Stop panicking for you are just reading a story.

Well, let talk about the water itself. “Puupu” is the only water supply for the whole of Komenda Township and even a nearby town (Dutch Komenda) during the dry season. That’s sends me back to my infant stages (five years), during the dry season the water would be closed within a specific period of time for its to be filled before opening. Afterswards, the Chief of Komenda will be the first person to be allowed to fill his tanks before opening it to the public. That explains how important the water is to the people of Komenda. Now, it’s a different issue. You know what? Just ask Mr. Joe Evers [German Board Member], to tell you about the “Puupu” and its scientific implications. Can you? If not, then listen to what Mr. Joe Evers said: “Mr. Solomon, if I drink this water, I will get sick within the next 24 hours and probably die.” That’s him.

Well, if you ask me, what will I miss most, if I come to Germany? Guess! I will say “My Puupu” likewise Joe Evers and his big Fufu [ghanaisches Essen] with groundnut soup. I’m wetting Mr. Joe’s appetite. Please kindly forgive me. Mr. Ben will bring you a big Fufu, ok? Smiles!!! That was just a comic relief. Statistics shows, that every native of Komenda have used and tasted “Puupu” before. That’s to say “Puupu” is Komenda and Komenda is “Puupu”.


Less I forget, why the name “Puupu”? Probably my thinking cup suggests that the name “Puupu is pronounced Pool Pool”. But our uneducated forefathers could not pronounce the word “Pool” instead did it “Puupu”. That was a very difficult word for them. Actually I may be right since the water structure looks like a pool. Comparing that to the war between the Ashantis and the British in 1874, our forefathers could not pronounce the name of the leader of the British Army (Sir Garnet Worsely), but rather pronounced it “Sagranti”. Hey! Don’t laugh. Ghanaians (Fantes) can one day make their own dictionaries. Till then, keep smiling. Will You? See you next time for the next edition of the story. Adieu!!!

Now you will ask yourself: “Why the people of Komenda like the “Puupu” and the greenish nature of it so much?” I will try to answer your question in the next edition. Will it be okay?

Solomon Appiah

Project Manager of African Information Movement AIM.

Teacher & Journalist

Assemblyman of Komenda, electoral area of Amatoe